When We Move Toward God, God Moves Toward Us

So let us not grow weary in doing what is right,  
for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9, NRSV 

Dear friends, 

When I went to the CREDO conference put on by the Presbyterian Church (USA) in last year, I remembered times when I had felt closer to God, and I missed that sense of closeness. Through talks with the CREDO conference staff and personal discernment (there’s that word again) time, I put together a “Rule of Life.” I included a few spiritual practices I hoped would grow me spiritually. 

One of those practices was to listen to a sermon or some worship music once a week while I was cleaning. That evolved into listening to a sermon podcast, usually from Day1.org, once a week while I was driving to or from church. 

During the “Year B” CREDO program I attended a couple months ago, I started thinking about which practices from my Rule of Life had “grown fruit” in my life, and which I might want to uproot. The weekly sermon didn’t seem to have grown much of anything, so I took it out and replaced it with “do something for my soul every week.” 

But the Thursday I came back from the conference, I started wondering whether maybe that sermon podcast had “taken” after all. 

I wondered that because even though I had taken it out of my Rule of Life, I turned on the Day1 podcast on my run that night, on purpose, because it was there in my podcast player, and the opening Doxology did my heart good. I wondered whether the steady diet of mainline sermons had maybe changed me more slowly than I had noticed, and even helped me to enjoy worship at CREDO more the second year than I had the first. 

Friends, I preach about how when we make a move toward God, God makes a move toward us, but it’s nice to see it show up in my life, and I hope this story inspires you to test it out in yours. 


Rev. David Schell