Worship Update

After prayer and carefully examining the CDC’s latest updated guidelines, Session has decided to make the following changes to requirements for worship at Fairplain Presbyterian Church’s building, starting Sunday, May 23.

For everyone

? Temperatures, names, and contact information will still be taken in case of the unlikely event of a breakthrough infection

✅ Screening questions will still be asked

? Reservations are no longer required

If you have not been fully vaccinated yet:

for your own protection and the protection of those around you, we ask that you:

? keep your mask on, covering your nose and mouth, and

? hum along with the songs and hymns rather than singing.

↔ continue to socially distance

If you haven’t already, we also invite you to talk to your doctor about whether it’s safe for you to register for a vaccine with the Berrien County Health Department. Your doctor may also be able to administer the vaccine.

If you are not feeling well

? We would encourage you to join our virtual worship service that Sunday to protect those you’re worshiping with.

Coffee Hour

☕ Weather permitting, coffee hour will be held on the patio.


?? At this time, communion is still on hold.


The church office is open effective June 15 with regular hours posted on the Contact page. Only essential and scheduled appointments are allowed at this time. Please ring the door bell at the main entry and Linda will meet you to take your temperature and ask a few questions before entering the church. You will also be required to wear a mask and if you do not have one we will provide one for you.

Per the Governor’s Executive Order, Fairplain’s session is encouraging everyone to work from home whenever possible. Pastor David is working from home. If you need his phone number, please contact the church office at 269-925-0041.

Food Pantry / Food Delivery

The food pantry remains open and food delivery continues as scheduled, with special precautions taken to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus / COVID-19.