Sermon Podcast

  • Where is God’s Justice Now?

    Where is God’s Justice Now?

    Psalm 99:4 says God has “established equity; …executed justice and righteousness in Jacob.” Where is God’s justice seen today? On the cross, where God forever joined the oppressed as judgment against the powerful.

  • …And Out Leapt This Calf!

    …And Out Leapt This Calf!

    The golden calf replaces Community with Conjuring, a Dynamic God with a Static one, and the weakness of the (not-yet-known) Crosswith the strength of a Calf.

  • You Didn’t Build That

    On first glance, the parable of the tenants may look like the story of a landowner demanding a share of the value created by others based only on the fact that he owns the land, but if we look closer, we might see how very little of that value the tenants actually created, and how…

  • Authenticity as Authority

    When the chief priests and elders ask Jesus by what authority he is doing the things he does, he inverts the relationship between authority and action. The people who have authority are those who can tell the truth about when faith doesn’t work the way we were told it was supposed to.

  • After Egypt

    After Egypt

    After God delivers Israel from Egypt and they cross the Red Sea, their situation isn’t immediately better. In fact, it seems much worse. They find themselves in the wilderness. That happens sometimes when we leave impossible situations. But this story teaches us that God is with us in the wilderness.

  • Between the Soldiers and the Sea

    The transcript of the story appears below. Moses stood staring out at the red sea. How had he gotten himself into this? Oh, right, there was a burning bush. A bush aflame with the fire of God, a fire that warmed and illuminated, but did not consume. He’d spent 40 years in that wilderness. He’d…

  • That Innate Corruption of Man

    Deuteronomy says God’s laws are for our good, but what do we do when people have stories of things that appear to be laws from God don’t do good, but instead cause harm?

  • The Un-Consuming Fire

    People often talk about being “On fire for God,” but being on fire usually results in either the thing that is on fire being burned up, or the fire going out. Exodus has an unusual story of Moses encountering a fire that produces heat and light, but does not consume the bush. This past Sunday’s…

  • Chris Britton and New Heights CCDA

    This week our special guest Pastor Chris Britton from the New Heights Christian Community Development Agency shares with us about the exciting work they’re doing in our area, and ideas of ways we might partner with them. New Heights CCDA is located at 4367 S Niles Rd, Saint Joseph, MI 49085. You can learn more…

  • The Meaning We Make

    When Joseph finally revealed himself to his brothers, he said God had brought him to Egypt to save them. But in the first telling of the story, God does not appear to be involved at all. This sermon is about how God invites us to read our story as part of God’s story.